Haddonfield Public Library
since 1917
Explore the Library's resources, collections and projects relating to local history.
The Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project
In these sensitive times, when improving diversity, equity, and inclusion are priorities throughout the nation,
THE PRESERVING BLACK HADDONFIELD HISTORY PROJECT not only celebrates once overlooked residents; it also educates students, teachers, and everyone whose path it crosses.
Ultimately, this multi-dimensional celebration and education program is to include:
We do more than simply recall private memories about Haddonfield’s African-American community. We celebrate the value added here through current and past residents’ contributions, ideals, and legacy.
*NOTE: Developed in collaboration with HMHS Accelerated English Program students and their instructor Holly Maiese. Visual/digital aspects were developed in association with Digital Arts Department students and their instructor Karen Bannett. C. Adrienne Rhodes was the executive editor/producer.
What Would Martin Say?
The Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project presents a multi-racial panel with female thought-leaders discussing where we stand on Economic Opportunity & Wealth Equity, Healthcare & Environmental Justice and Civil Rights, Race Relations, and other challenges.
Saturday, January 18
12:00-1:00 PM
Held at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior Sanctuary
Interviews & Videos
Who We Are
THE PRESERVING BLACK HADDONFIELD HISTORY PROJECT is a Sub-Committee of Haddonfield Alumni Society under the leadership of President Joseph Serico, EdD. Spearheaded by Haddonfield Memorial High School alumni and Haddonfield Alumni Society members, as well as current and past residents and their descendants, educators, and like-minded leaders of local institutions, everyone involved shares a commitment to doing his/her part to strengthen Haddonfield’s reputation for being a unique community with a rich history. Click here for a list of co-founders, partners, and sponsors.
Community Support
The Haddonfield Foundation presented a $5,000 check to the Haddonfield Educational Trust to support the work of The Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project on June 19, 2023.
Walking Tour Map
Click the arrows to scroll through media mentions and highlights. Some links may require subscriptions.
THE PRESERVING BLACK HADDONFIELD HISTORY PROJECT Organizing Committee would welcome the opportunity to collaborate on this groundbreaking endeavor. Please join us in making history!
Thanks for your consideration!!!
Tax-deductible donations earmarked to support PBHHP can be made by mailing your check directly to:
The Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project
c/o Haddonfield Educational Trust
PO Box 178
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
You may give online, too.
The Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project is a Camden County History Alliance Member.
Haddonfield's Return to the Cooper River
A volunteer-driven effort to build a water trail along the Cooper River, Haddonfield Side
Haddonfield Water Trail Association, a new nonprofit, is building a 3-mile walking path with river access for canoes and kayaks along the Cooper River on the Haddonfield side in partnership with local and county agencies. The Haddonfield Water Trail will stretch 3 miles from Crows Woods recreation area to Grove Street at Coles Mill Road.
The purpose of the Haddonfield Water Trail Association is to educate the public about the Cooper River and its tribuataries, the history and uses of these waterways, and to promote sustainable recrational and education uses of the waterways consistent with environments protection.
HWTA Trustees:
Andrew Johnson, President
Robert Marshall, Vice President
Deborah Garwood, Secretary
Stuart Harting, Treasurer
Joe Sikora, Board Member
Liaison to Haddonfield Environmental Commission:
Robert Bergauer, HEC Chair
Haddonfield Property Files
Explore digitized property records, appraisals and deeds of Haddonfield's residences.
Haddonfield Public Library has a repository of property records for almost all the addresses in the Borough. Examine past owners, appraisals, photographs and more for a property. The records are accessible in the Library only via an external hard drive and may be checked out at the Circulation Desk.
Women's History Walking Tour
Local History Traveling Trunks
Take home a rolling suitcase full of information, replica artifacts and primary source documents on Haddonfield History. Trunks circulate for 7 days and can be booked through our Museum Key page. Click on photo to learn more and book a trunk today. The Traveling Trunk Project is made possible by a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Digital Local Newspaper Archives
Digitized editions of The Haddon Gazette, The Haddon Gazette Suburban, and The Suburban.
Includes 1981- present day.
Selected back issues of the local newspaper.